I Took a Stand and Refused to Babysit My DIL’s Kids for Free

While family often relies on each other for help, sometimes, the line between kindness and obligation can become unclear. A woman named Nise has been regularly caring for her daughter-in-law Rachel’s children but recently asked for compensation, leading to unexpected tension. In the letter she wrote to us, She shares her experience, and we offer insights on how to approach setting boundaries with family.

Here’s what she shared

Okay, so here’s the deal. My daughter-in-law, Rachel, has two children from her previous marriage, plus a baby she shares with my son, David. Now, Rachel has asked me to watch the kids a few times before, and while I don’t mind helping out, it’s starting to feel like I’m expected to do it all the time without any sort of acknowledgment or compensation.

One day, she asked me again to watch the kids while she worked. I thought, well, I’m always watching her older two kids, so I decided to set a boundary this time. I said, “I’ll watch my grandson, but you’ll have to pay me if I’m babysitting your other two.” I didn’t think it was a huge ask-I’ve watched them for free before, but they’re really difficult, and I feel like I’m just being taken for granted. Rachel went quiet, and avoided eye contact. I figured maybe she was a little surprised, but I didn’t think much of it.

The next day, when I arrived at her house, my jaw dropped-what I found there shook me to the core. I walked up to the front door and noticed something was off. I tried using my keys to open the door, but they wouldn’t work. I thought maybe I had the wrong key, but nope-the lock had been changed. I knocked a few times, but no one answered. I texted Rachel and called, but she didn’t pick up. It felt like I was being completely shut out, like she was avoiding me on purpose.

For illustrative purpose only.

I called my son, David, to ask if he knew what was going on, and he was just as confused as I was. He said he hadn’t heard anything from Rachel about a change in the locks, and honestly, I was stunned.

Then, when Rachel finally got back to me, she was cold. She said, “I don’t need to pay you for watching my kids, and I didn’t appreciate your attitude. If you’re going to charge me, you can forget about it.” It was like the door had been slammed in my face, figuratively and literally.

I’m just really upset because I feel like I’ve always been there for them, and now I’m treated like I don’t even matter. I wasn’t trying to cause drama; I just wanted to set a fair boundary. So, Am I in the wrong for demanding to be paid for watching her kids? Or did I overstep by asking for compensation?

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