Single mom of 5 faces j.a.i.l time for leaving her teen to babysit…

Single mom of 5 faces j.a.i.l time for leaving her teen to babysit…

If you’re a parent then the chances are high that you’ll be no stranger to stress, nor to cutting corners in a bid to make ends meet.

A lot of stress is around childcare. As a parent you must always make sure there is someone available for babysitting or entertaining the kids when you are not there.

No mother or father is perfect. We all make mistakes along the way – put simply, that’s part of the process that is parenthood.

And yet one single mother of five from Georgia is apparently facing jai:l time for doing something that I’m fairly certain others are guilty of. Unsurprisingly, her case is diving opinion online, with many of the opinion that she’s being treated harshly.

Of course, playing the role of family provider while also being the sole carer for five kids is no easy feat. Usually, her youngest son, Thaddeus, attends day care, but when said day care was closed down due to a COVID-19 outbreak, Melissa was forced to look for someone who could mind him.

Millions of Americans didn’t even leave their apartments on Saturday during the crippling blizzard. This woman, however, couldn’t have cared less. Perhaps oblivious to the blistering cold, or spurred…

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